One of my paintings is on permanent exhibition at the Canadian Embassy in France. Premier Tim Houston presented the painting to Amy Baker, Chargée d'affaires, as a gift from the province of Nova Scotia on May 16, 2022. / Une de mes toiles est en exposition permanente à l'Ambassade du Canada en France. Le premier ministre Tim Houston a remis le tableau à Amy Baker, chargée d'affaires, en cadeau de la province de la Nouvelle-Écosse le 16 mai 2022.
-Canadian Embassy in France, Paris / Ambassade du Canada en France, Paris.
-Nova Scotia Art Bank / Banque d'art de la Nouvelle-Écosse
-Private collections / Collections privées (Canada): Halifax, Lunenburg, Moncton, Toronto, Ottawa.
-Private collections / Collections privées: United States, Taiwan, France, United Kingdom, Denmark.
Galleries / galeries & Current exhibitions / expositions en cours:
-Argyle Fine Art, 1559 Barrington St, Halifax, NS, http://argylefineart.blogspot.ca/, (abstracts).
-Teichert Gallery, 1723 Hollis St, Halifax, NS, https://teichertgallery.ca/, (abstracts).
-Going Coastal Art Gallery, 41 Queen St, Chester, NS, https://www.facebook.com/GoingCoastalFineArtandFurnishings, (landscapes).
-Smith and Smith Gallery, 167 Lincoln St, Lunenburg, NS, https://smithandsmithgallery.com/, (abstracts).
-Captain's House Gallery, 33 Central St, Chester, NS, https://www.carolhansenartist.com/gallery, (abstracts).
-Partial Art Gallery, on-line art gallery (purchase and art rental options), https://paulettemelanson.partial.gallery/
Past exhibitions / expositions passées:
-Creative Nova Scotia Awards gala, Pier 21, Halifax, NS, Pre-Show solo exhibition of paintings, November 3rd, 2024.
-Argyle Fine Art, 1559 Barrington St, Halifax, NS, Revelations, solo show, opening reception Aug 22 to Sept 7, 2024.
-John B. Aird Gallery, 906 Queen Street West, B05, Toronto, ABSTRACTS 2023, Online juried slide exhibition with playlist and PDF catalogue, juried group show, September 2023. https://airdgallery.org/2023/08/27/abstracts-2023/
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, 194B Lincoln Street, Lunenburg, NS, Where I've Been, Where I'm Going, solo show, Nov. 15th to Nov. 19th, 2023.
-Going Coastal Fine Art, 41 Queen St, Chester, NS, Coneflowers and Landscapes, solo show, Oct 1st to Nov 10th, 2023.
-Art Lab Gallery, 121 Main St, Parrsboro, NS, featured artist exhibition, June 16th to 29th, 2023.
-Smith and Smith Gallery, Lunenburg, NS, Appreciating Our World, featured artist exhibition, May 2023.
-Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, NS, ‘2022 Nova Scotia Art Bank Purchases Exhibition’, Sept 26-Oct 8, 2022.
-ARTSPLACE Gallery, Annapolis Royal, NS, 'Paint the Town, The Exhibition', Sept 24-Oct 8, 2022.
-Visual Voice Fine Art, Truro, NS, The Turning Point - Le moment décisif, solo show June 14 to July 10, 2021.
-Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, NS, In search of meaning - A la recherche d'un sens, solo show Sept 26 to October 10, 2020.
-Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, NS, juried Group shows, August 2018, 2019, 2022.
-Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, Pre-Shrunk juried group show: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.
-Going Coastal Fine Art, Chester, NS, featured artist, Fall 2019, 2021.
-McClure Gallery, Montreal, QC, group show, April 2018.
-Chase Gallery, NS Archives, Halifax, NS, Abstract Studio Group Show, Nov 2017, Nov 2021.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, NS, featured artist, Different Perspectives of the South Shore, Aug 2017.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, NS, group shows, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
-Crouchers Pt Gallery, NS, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
-Gallery Nineteen Nineteen, Halifax Art Map group show, 2017.
-Accès Justice Access, NS, Halifax, solo show 2016.
-The Royal Bank of Canada, Upper Tantallon, solo show 2016.
-Teichert Gallery, Halifax Art Map juried group show, June 2015.
-Teichert Gallery, Halifax, juried Annual Member show, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022.
-Chester Art Centre, group exhibition, 2017, 2019.
-Halifax Central Library, Halifax, Crossroads: An Intersection in Time - Group Show, 2018.
-Craig Gallery, Dartmouth, Permafrost juried group show, 2015.
-Craig Gallery, Dartmouth, group show, 2015, 2016.
-Art Zone, Halifax, Intangible Thoughts Group Show, 2015.
-Art Zone, Halifax, Urban Construct Group Show, 2015.
-Art Zone, Halifax, Searching for Peace and Serenity, solo show, November 2015.
-Art Zone Halifax, Annual Members' Show, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-Dalhousie University Art Gallery, Halifax, student, staff, alumni group show, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023.
-Afterglow, solo show, Bridgewater, 2013, 2016.
-The Trellis Café, Hubbards, feature artist: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
-The Trellis Café, Hubbards, solo show, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
-Fireside Restaurant, Halifax, feature artist: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-Seventy3, Canadian Fusion Restaurant, Dartmouth, feature artist: 2015.
-Aspotogan Arts and Crafts, group show, Blandford: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Crossroads Artists, group show, Upper Tantallon: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Tantallon Regional Library, solo show: 2013, 2014.
-Tantallon Dental Centre, solo exhibition: 2014, 2015.
-Swoon Fine Art, Winterscene, juried group show, 2013.
-Swoon Fine Art, Feast for the Eyes, juried group show for Dine By Design East, 2015.
-Montague Plein Air Festival, PEI, 2014, 2016 (honourable mention award 2016).
-Paint the Town, Annapolis Royal, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery plein air event, 2017, 2019, 2021.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, A Brush of Autumn Colour, plein air event, 2016.
-Lunenburg Arts Festival Studio Tour, 2022.
-Paint Peggy's Cove, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022.
-Peggy’s Cove Area Festival of the Arts, Studio Tour, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
-Studio Rally 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Halifax Art map 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-RADIO-CANADA/CBC French TV, 'Paulette Melanson, Studio Lunenburg'. Téléjournal Acadie, le 17 janvier, 2025, réalisé par/produced by: Paul Légère. Link to view interview only/lien pour voir l'interview uniquement: 20250129_151652.mp4,
Full news episode/épisode d'actualité complet (interview@31minutes 26secondes):
-RADIO-CANADA, La mouvée, ICI Acadie, le 22 août, 2024, entrevue avec Nathalie Geddry, 'Paulette Melanson inaugure son exposition, Révélations, ce soir à Halifax', Argyle Fine Art Gallery, https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/la-mouvee/segments/rattrapage/1834598/paulette-melanson-inaugure-son-exposition-revelations-ce-soir-a-halifax
-RADIO-CANADA, La mouvée, ICI Acadie, le 24 janvier, 2024, entrevue avec Nathalie Geddry, 'Les peintures de Paulette Melanson dans une exposition petit format, Pre-Shrunk 2024', Argyle Fine Art Gallery, http://www.radio-canada.ca/util/postier/suggerer-go.asp?nID=5009273
-RADIO-CANADA, La mouvée, ICI Acadie, le 5 juillet, 2022, entrevue avec Nathalie Geddry, 'Paulette Melanson (artiste participante) parle du Festival 'Peggy's Cove Area Festival of the Arts', https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/la-mouvee/episodes/638829/rattrapage-du-mardi-5-juillet-2022/2
-CKRH, Halifax, N.-É. le 18 mai, 2022, entrevue avec Sébastien Beltran, CKRH, Halifax, N.-É., "Les oeuvres de Paulette Melanson s'exportent à Paris". https://canada-info.ca/les-oeuvres-de-paulette-melanson-sexportent-a-paris/
-CKBW, Bridgewater, NS, May 17, 2022, interview with Evan Taylor, CKBW, Bridgewater, NS, 'Painting of Hirtle's Beach selected to hang on permanent exhibition at the Canadian Embassy in Paris. https://www.ckbw.ca/2022/05/17/painting-of-hirtles-beach-selected-for/
-Several interviews with / Plusieurs entrevues avec: RADIO Canada Télé
-East Coast Living Magazine, eastcoastliving.ca/2017/04/paulette-melanson/
-bid Music eMagazine, www.paulettemelansonartist.com/uploads/1/5/5/6/15561352/feature_-_bid_music_e-magazine_issue_8_2016.pdf
Memberships and positions / adhésions et postes:
-Member, CARFAC (Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens), https://www.carfac.ca/
-Member, Copyright Visual Arts - Droits d'auteurs arts visuels, https://www.cova-daav.ca/en/
-President, Aspotogan Arts and Crafts 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
-Board Member, Peggy’s Cove Area Festival of the Arts, 2012.
-Co-Chair, PCAFA Studio Tour committee 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Member Lunenburg Art Gallery Society 2020, 2021, 2022
-Member, Visual Arts Nova Scotia http://www.visualarts.ns.ca/.
-Member, La Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse http://fecane.ca/.
-Member, Peggy's Cove Area Festival of the Arts http://peggyscoveareafestivalofthearts.com/.
-Founding Member, Abstract Studio Art Group, 2014 - 2022.
-Canadian Embassy in France, Paris / Ambassade du Canada en France, Paris.
-Nova Scotia Art Bank / Banque d'art de la Nouvelle-Écosse
-Private collections / Collections privées (Canada): Halifax, Lunenburg, Moncton, Toronto, Ottawa.
-Private collections / Collections privées: United States, Taiwan, France, United Kingdom, Denmark.
Galleries / galeries & Current exhibitions / expositions en cours:
-Argyle Fine Art, 1559 Barrington St, Halifax, NS, http://argylefineart.blogspot.ca/, (abstracts).
-Teichert Gallery, 1723 Hollis St, Halifax, NS, https://teichertgallery.ca/, (abstracts).
-Going Coastal Art Gallery, 41 Queen St, Chester, NS, https://www.facebook.com/GoingCoastalFineArtandFurnishings, (landscapes).
-Smith and Smith Gallery, 167 Lincoln St, Lunenburg, NS, https://smithandsmithgallery.com/, (abstracts).
-Captain's House Gallery, 33 Central St, Chester, NS, https://www.carolhansenartist.com/gallery, (abstracts).
-Partial Art Gallery, on-line art gallery (purchase and art rental options), https://paulettemelanson.partial.gallery/
Past exhibitions / expositions passées:
-Creative Nova Scotia Awards gala, Pier 21, Halifax, NS, Pre-Show solo exhibition of paintings, November 3rd, 2024.
-Argyle Fine Art, 1559 Barrington St, Halifax, NS, Revelations, solo show, opening reception Aug 22 to Sept 7, 2024.
-John B. Aird Gallery, 906 Queen Street West, B05, Toronto, ABSTRACTS 2023, Online juried slide exhibition with playlist and PDF catalogue, juried group show, September 2023. https://airdgallery.org/2023/08/27/abstracts-2023/
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, 194B Lincoln Street, Lunenburg, NS, Where I've Been, Where I'm Going, solo show, Nov. 15th to Nov. 19th, 2023.
-Going Coastal Fine Art, 41 Queen St, Chester, NS, Coneflowers and Landscapes, solo show, Oct 1st to Nov 10th, 2023.
-Art Lab Gallery, 121 Main St, Parrsboro, NS, featured artist exhibition, June 16th to 29th, 2023.
-Smith and Smith Gallery, Lunenburg, NS, Appreciating Our World, featured artist exhibition, May 2023.
-Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, NS, ‘2022 Nova Scotia Art Bank Purchases Exhibition’, Sept 26-Oct 8, 2022.
-ARTSPLACE Gallery, Annapolis Royal, NS, 'Paint the Town, The Exhibition', Sept 24-Oct 8, 2022.
-Visual Voice Fine Art, Truro, NS, The Turning Point - Le moment décisif, solo show June 14 to July 10, 2021.
-Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, NS, In search of meaning - A la recherche d'un sens, solo show Sept 26 to October 10, 2020.
-Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, NS, juried Group shows, August 2018, 2019, 2022.
-Argyle Fine Art, Halifax, Pre-Shrunk juried group show: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.
-Going Coastal Fine Art, Chester, NS, featured artist, Fall 2019, 2021.
-McClure Gallery, Montreal, QC, group show, April 2018.
-Chase Gallery, NS Archives, Halifax, NS, Abstract Studio Group Show, Nov 2017, Nov 2021.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, NS, featured artist, Different Perspectives of the South Shore, Aug 2017.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, NS, group shows, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
-Crouchers Pt Gallery, NS, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
-Gallery Nineteen Nineteen, Halifax Art Map group show, 2017.
-Accès Justice Access, NS, Halifax, solo show 2016.
-The Royal Bank of Canada, Upper Tantallon, solo show 2016.
-Teichert Gallery, Halifax Art Map juried group show, June 2015.
-Teichert Gallery, Halifax, juried Annual Member show, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022.
-Chester Art Centre, group exhibition, 2017, 2019.
-Halifax Central Library, Halifax, Crossroads: An Intersection in Time - Group Show, 2018.
-Craig Gallery, Dartmouth, Permafrost juried group show, 2015.
-Craig Gallery, Dartmouth, group show, 2015, 2016.
-Art Zone, Halifax, Intangible Thoughts Group Show, 2015.
-Art Zone, Halifax, Urban Construct Group Show, 2015.
-Art Zone, Halifax, Searching for Peace and Serenity, solo show, November 2015.
-Art Zone Halifax, Annual Members' Show, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-Dalhousie University Art Gallery, Halifax, student, staff, alumni group show, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023.
-Afterglow, solo show, Bridgewater, 2013, 2016.
-The Trellis Café, Hubbards, feature artist: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
-The Trellis Café, Hubbards, solo show, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
-Fireside Restaurant, Halifax, feature artist: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-Seventy3, Canadian Fusion Restaurant, Dartmouth, feature artist: 2015.
-Aspotogan Arts and Crafts, group show, Blandford: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Crossroads Artists, group show, Upper Tantallon: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Tantallon Regional Library, solo show: 2013, 2014.
-Tantallon Dental Centre, solo exhibition: 2014, 2015.
-Swoon Fine Art, Winterscene, juried group show, 2013.
-Swoon Fine Art, Feast for the Eyes, juried group show for Dine By Design East, 2015.
-Montague Plein Air Festival, PEI, 2014, 2016 (honourable mention award 2016).
-Paint the Town, Annapolis Royal, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery plein air event, 2017, 2019, 2021.
-Lunenburg Art Gallery, A Brush of Autumn Colour, plein air event, 2016.
-Lunenburg Arts Festival Studio Tour, 2022.
-Paint Peggy's Cove, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022.
-Peggy’s Cove Area Festival of the Arts, Studio Tour, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
-Studio Rally 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Halifax Art map 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
-RADIO-CANADA/CBC French TV, 'Paulette Melanson, Studio Lunenburg'. Téléjournal Acadie, le 17 janvier, 2025, réalisé par/produced by: Paul Légère. Link to view interview only/lien pour voir l'interview uniquement: 20250129_151652.mp4,
Full news episode/épisode d'actualité complet (interview@31minutes 26secondes):
-RADIO-CANADA, La mouvée, ICI Acadie, le 22 août, 2024, entrevue avec Nathalie Geddry, 'Paulette Melanson inaugure son exposition, Révélations, ce soir à Halifax', Argyle Fine Art Gallery, https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/la-mouvee/segments/rattrapage/1834598/paulette-melanson-inaugure-son-exposition-revelations-ce-soir-a-halifax
-RADIO-CANADA, La mouvée, ICI Acadie, le 24 janvier, 2024, entrevue avec Nathalie Geddry, 'Les peintures de Paulette Melanson dans une exposition petit format, Pre-Shrunk 2024', Argyle Fine Art Gallery, http://www.radio-canada.ca/util/postier/suggerer-go.asp?nID=5009273
-RADIO-CANADA, La mouvée, ICI Acadie, le 5 juillet, 2022, entrevue avec Nathalie Geddry, 'Paulette Melanson (artiste participante) parle du Festival 'Peggy's Cove Area Festival of the Arts', https://ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/la-mouvee/episodes/638829/rattrapage-du-mardi-5-juillet-2022/2
-CKRH, Halifax, N.-É. le 18 mai, 2022, entrevue avec Sébastien Beltran, CKRH, Halifax, N.-É., "Les oeuvres de Paulette Melanson s'exportent à Paris". https://canada-info.ca/les-oeuvres-de-paulette-melanson-sexportent-a-paris/
-CKBW, Bridgewater, NS, May 17, 2022, interview with Evan Taylor, CKBW, Bridgewater, NS, 'Painting of Hirtle's Beach selected to hang on permanent exhibition at the Canadian Embassy in Paris. https://www.ckbw.ca/2022/05/17/painting-of-hirtles-beach-selected-for/
-Several interviews with / Plusieurs entrevues avec: RADIO Canada Télé
-East Coast Living Magazine, eastcoastliving.ca/2017/04/paulette-melanson/
-bid Music eMagazine, www.paulettemelansonartist.com/uploads/1/5/5/6/15561352/feature_-_bid_music_e-magazine_issue_8_2016.pdf
Memberships and positions / adhésions et postes:
-Member, CARFAC (Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens), https://www.carfac.ca/
-Member, Copyright Visual Arts - Droits d'auteurs arts visuels, https://www.cova-daav.ca/en/
-President, Aspotogan Arts and Crafts 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
-Board Member, Peggy’s Cove Area Festival of the Arts, 2012.
-Co-Chair, PCAFA Studio Tour committee 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
-Member Lunenburg Art Gallery Society 2020, 2021, 2022
-Member, Visual Arts Nova Scotia http://www.visualarts.ns.ca/.
-Member, La Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse http://fecane.ca/.
-Member, Peggy's Cove Area Festival of the Arts http://peggyscoveareafestivalofthearts.com/.
-Founding Member, Abstract Studio Art Group, 2014 - 2022.
Copyright - droit d'auteur Paulette Melanson